Business & Covid: Fall 2020 Message from the Business Manager

As I write to you today, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a major part of our lives in New England for months. In that time, our schools have had to re-invent the way they educate students, and are striving to remain a support system to children even as learning takes place at a distance.    

Some businesses have sadly shut down due to lost revenue, while many others seek new ways of operating safely. 

 Our elderly loved ones may be alone, and we cannot hug them or be there for them in the way we want to.  We are faced with an invisible and resilient foe and we are racing for solutions.  We, as a people, may feel a wide range of emotions in response to this crisis and we all are attempting to keep life as normal as we can while simultaneously changing the way we do nearly everything. 

The team at Great Northern has worked hard behind the scenes to adjust everything we do to accommodate the ‘new normal’.  Our office work is done remotely, and we conduct the bulk of our sales and presentation meetings virtually.  We have slowed down our project schedules to allow time for correct sanitization, and we have implemented a mandatory mask policy designed to keep employees, trade partners and our clients safe. 

Our clients have been incredible – adjusting as well, and trusting us to keep working in their homes.  To date, we have not had a single project cancellation due to COVID-19.  We feel truly fortunate that this is the case, and continue to make sure that we give back to our community during this crisis. 

Len & I have hearts filled with gratitude for our daughters’ teachers who completed their school year remotely, for our friends and neighbors who have found so many ways to reach out and stay connected and for the way local businesses and charities have quickly adapted and mobilized to serve the seacoast during this time. We do not know what the future holds, but in my opinion, this crisis has reminded us all of the incredible strength, resiliency and plain old New England grit that abounds in our community. The team at Great Northern has worked hard to adapt, and we will continue to provide excellence in home design & remodeling to our clients during this crisis.  Our business has always been based on community, and we will continue to give back and support the community that has provided our livelihood since 2002. Wishing you all good health during this fall season. 

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